Tohoku University - New Industry Creation Hatchery Center (NICHe)
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Materials Processing)     Japanese/English
Yamanaka Laboratory
2008.5.21 Setsu Yamamoto (OB) and Assistant Professor Ohara won an incentive award of the Japan Society for Non-destructive Inspection.
「Nonlinear Ultrasound Imaging Technique by Phased Array Using Laser Interferometer」
2008.5.16 COE Fellow Ohara promoted to assistant professor of Tohoku University.
2008.4.15 Professor Yamanaka was awarded Prize for Science and Technology in Research Category of the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
2007.8.1 Associate Professor Mihara promoted to professor of University of Toyama.
2007.7.30 Photo of Ball SAW sensor appeared in the front cover of brochure for open campus.
2007.7.29 Subharmonic phased array for crack evaluation (SPACE) appeared in a newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun.
2007.7.9 The SPACE appeared in a newspaper Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun.
2007.7.7 The SPACE appeared in a newspaper Kahoku Shimpo.
2007.5.22 Setsu Yamamoto(M2) won an award for young researchers from the Japan Society for Non-destructive Inspection at spring conference.
「Nonlinear Ultrasound Imaging Technique by Phased Array Using Laser Interferometer」
2006.11.16 Assistant Professor Toshihiro Tsuji won an incentive award of the 26th Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics (USE2005)
「Suppression of Spurious Vibration of Cantilever in Ultrasonic Atomic Force Microscopy」
2005.11.16 Seishiro Ide(M2)won an incentive award of the 26th Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics
「Analysis of Stress-induced Ferroelectric Domain Structure by Ultrasonic Atomic Force Microscopy」
2006.8.29 Assistant Professor Toshihiro Tsuji won an incentive award of JJAP Paper
「Evaluation of Domain Boundary of Piezo/Ferroelectric Material by Ultrasonic Atomic Force Microscopy」
2006.8.29 Shingo Akao (D1) won an incentive award of the spring meeting of the Japana Society of Applied Physics and Related Societies
「Improvement of Ball SAW Sensor (II) Observation of Roundtrips on a LiNbO3 Single Crystal Ball in Liquid」
2006.7.10 Assistant Professor Toshihiro Tsuji won the 46th Harada Yound Sientist Award
「Improvement of Evaluation of Elastic Property on Nanoscale by Ultrasonic Atomic Force Microscopy ans Its Application to Nondestructive Evaluation of Nanoscale Structure」
2006.1.20 Ball SAW hydrogen gas sensor appeared in a newspaper Kagaku Shimbun
2006.1.18 Ball SAW hydrogen gas sensor appeared in newspapers Nikkei Business Daily and Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun
2006.1.13 Ball SAW hydrogen gas sensor appeared in newspapers Yomiuri Shimbun and Kahoku Shimpo
2005.11.16 Yoshikazu Ohara (D2)won an incentive award of the 25th Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics (USE2004)
「Effect of Adhesion Force between Crack Planes in Analytical Solution of Nonlinear Contact Vibration」
2005.11.16 Akio Mizukami won an incentive award of the 25th Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics
「Ball SAW Hydrogen Sensor with Amplitude and Delay Time Response」
2005.11.16 Ryouta Sasaki (M2) won an incentive award of the 25th Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics
「Simulation and Analysis of Subharmonics and Tail Effect for Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation of Closed Cracks」
2004.8.6 Ball SAW hydrogen gas sensor appeared in a newspaper Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun
Aoba 6-6-02, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi, 980-8579 Japan
TEL: 81-22-795-7359 FAX: 81-22-795-4298