
1. Mailing Lists (July 24th)
2. Subjects and Abstracts of Presentations and Discussions (August 2nd)
3. The Schedule (August 11th)
4. Important news from Michinori (July 28th)
5. More Postech Campaign (July 28th)
6. Laboratory Tour (July 30th)
7. Share Cool Photos Campaign (August 11th)

1. Mailing Lists

You want to share information? Why don't you join our mailing lists?

Types of mailing lists For all Tohoku and Postech students and professors. English only. Japanese is unacceptable. For all Tohoku students. Japanese is available. For all Tohoku students and professors. Japanese is available. For all Tohoku and Postech students. Japanese is available. For all Tohoku and Postech students and professors. Japanese is available.

Application or more Details

Don't hesitate. We all welcome you!

Reference : Professor Funakubo (administrator of this mailing lists)

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2. Subjects of Presentations and Discussions

Takanori Miyazawa, Hidetoshi Sawada, Kazumasa Nishimura and Michinori Yonemoto are going to have presentations. The subjects and abstracts will be on this web soon.

Takanori Miyazawa's Presentation

Subject: Hydrogen Absorption Alloy


Kazumasa Nishimura's Presentation

Subject: MRAM


Reference: Takanori Miyazawa

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3. The Schedule

Wednesday August 8th
13:30 Arrive at Sendai Airport (OZ152)
14:30 Arrive at Hotel (by minibus)
Professors: Hotel Sumireh
Students: Takenaka Hotel
15:00- Start from the hotel for city tour (Tanabata)

Thursday August 9th
9:30 Arrive at Tohoku University, Aobayama Campus (by minibus)
-12:00 Reception and student symposium at (#3 lecture room)
12:00-13:30 Luncheon
13:30-15:30 Symposium and Laboratory Tour of Materials Science and Engineering Departments
1. Ferrous Metallurgy: Hino Lab.
2. Biomaterials: Suzuki Lab.
3. Surface Science: Hatta Lab.
4. Functional Materials (Hydrogen Storage Materials): Okada Lab.
5. Casting Design: Kubo Lab.
6. Powder Metallurgy: Kawasaki Lab.
15:30-17:00 Discussion
17:00-20:00 Banquet (at Dining Room in Aoba Memorial Hall on the 3rd floor)

Friday August 10th
9:00  Depart Takenaka Hotel
10:00-11:00 Seeing Sony Factory
11:30 Arrive at Shiogama
-13:00 Lunch at Shiogama
13:00 Leave for Matsushima by pleasure ship
14:00 Arrive at Matsushima
-16:00 Sightseeing at Matsushima
16:00 Depart Matsushima
17:00 Arrive at Tohoku University, Aobayama Campus
17:30-20:00 Banquett (at Dining room in Aoba Memorial Hall on the 3rd floor)

Saturday August 11th
10:00 Depart Takenaka Hotel
11:00 Arrive at Sendai Airport
13:30 Depart Sendai Airport (OZ 151)

Reference: Professor Yamamura
                   Takako Suyama (secretary of Maruyama lab.)
                   6. Laboratory Tour

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4. Important news from Michinori

I am going to take you to Tanabata Festival August 8th. And we are also planning to take you to some cool restaurants or grocery shops in Sendai downtown. Where do you want to go actually? E-mail to here and tell us where you want to go or what you want to eat and we will set something up.

Here are some nice web sites:

Miyagi Prefecture Office Department of Sightseeing
Sendai City Office Department of Sightseeing
2002 FIFA World cup Miyagi-Sendai Promotion Committee
Sendai Ultra Super Link (full of information)
Asahi Shinbun English Edition
Mainichi Daily News

Reference: Michinori Yonemoto

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5. More Postech Campaign

You don't know about Postech very well. Don't worry! When you check on this web site, you can know its history or its campus photos. (hopefully)

Postech guide web site:

Reference: Hiroshi Suzuki

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6. Laboratory Tour

Thursday August 9 13:30 - 15:30

1. Ferrous Metallurgy
2. Biomaterials
3. Surface Science
4. Functional Materials (Hydrogen Storage Materials)
5. Casting Design
6. Powder Metallurgy

Reference: Professor Yamamura
                   Takako Suyama (secretary of Maruyama lab.)
                   3. The Schedule

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7. Share Cool Photos Campaign

If you have cool photos, would you show us some of them? Hiroshi will set them on the web and we can share your cool and lovely photos!!

When you have digital pictures, please send them Hiroshi, and when you have non-digital pictures, just tell Hiroshi and he'll tell you the contact address.

We really appreciate your help.

Reference: Hiroshi Suzuki

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