Department of Frontier Sciences for Advanced Environment,
Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University Mechanics and Design of Composite Materials (Narita, Kurita & Wang Lab.) 東北大学 大学院環境科学研究科 先端環境創成学専攻 複合材料設計学分野 成田・栗田・王研究室


News & Topics

2024.7.1 News
The title of Prominent Research Fellowat Tohoku University was granted to Assistant Professor Zhenjin Wang.
2024.5.14 News
Press release:Creating a Green Composite Material from Japanese Washi Paper
2024.3.18 News
The review paper by Yaonan Yu was selected as an Wiley Top Downloaded Article.
2024.1.2 News
The academic paper by Toshiki Ueno and Takeru Nakaki was selected as an Editors' Choice article.
2023.12.28 News
Press release:Piezo Composites with Carbon Fibers for Motion Sensors
2023.12.8 News
Takeru Nakaki received the Best Presentation Award at the 1st Student Symposium on Surface Modification.
2023.11.28 News
Alia Gallet-Pandellé received the Poster Award at the 15th International Conference on Ecomaterials 2023.
2023.11.1 News
Yaonan Yu's academic paper (Composites Part A) was presented on IEEE Spectrum.
2023.9.14 Event
The 32nd Symposium on New Structural Materials・Functional Controlled Materials・Functionally Graded Materials was held at the main building of the Graduate School of Environmental Studies.
2023.9.12 Event
The 48th Symposium on Composite Materials was held at the Main Building of the Graduate School of Environmental Studies.
2023.6.15 News
Press release:Energy Harvesting Via Vibrations: Researchers Develop Highly Durable and Efficient Device
2023.3.24 News
Kohei MARUYAMA won the 2022 Award of the Dean of the Graduate School of Environmental Studies.
2022.12.14 News
Toshiki UENO won the Best Paper Award at 8th Asian Conference on Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures (December 11-14, 2022, India).
2022.12.2 News
Press release:Batteryless and Wireless Device Detects Coronavirus with Magnetostrictive Composite Plates
2022.8.9 News
Kohei MARUYAMA won the Best Presentation Award at 16th International Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials (August 7-10, 2022, USA).
2022.6.16 News
A review paper on virus sensor materials has been selected for the Wiley Top Downloaded Article.
2022.5.27 News
The article from Aoba Kankyo Hozen."The Narita laboratory of the Tohoku University came to the Japanese paper studio. ~Across the sea? Japanese paper and apron~ ".
2022.5.19 News
A special number of the “7th Asian Conference on Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures (March 13-15, 2021, Internet) “ was published, and the illustrationis on the cover.
2022.4.27 News
Narita laboratory won the gold prize at "the 8th of Japan Resilience Award" and "STOP infection award" .
2022.3.1 News
The authors of a review article on virus sensor materials have received a global award in Disaster Prevention and Mitigation x SDGs Award 2022 : Academy & Junior Academy Category.
2021.12.28 News
Zhenjin WANG won the 2020 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad.
2021.9.21 News
A thesis was written by Mr.Satoshi Egawa, a graduate in our laboratory, was featured on the cover of an academic journal.
2021.9.3 News
The relationship between the silk scarf worn by UAE athletes at the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic ceremonies and the "UAE-NIPPON Friendship Silk Project", in which our laboratory participates, was posted on the Tohoku University Global Site.
2021.6.23 Event
A message of support was sent from our laboratory to UAE Olympic athletes.It was handed over to the UAE National Olympic Committee at the silk scurf presentation ceremonyin Dubai.
2021.5.18 News
A review paper on virus sensor materials was featured in Asia Research News 2021.
2021.4.19 News
Research result is featured in JST Science Japan.
2021.4.10 News
Yinli Wang and Kei Makabe won the Best Presentation Award at 7th Asian Conference on Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures (March 13-15, 2021, Internet).
2021.3.3 News
Research result on silk is featured in the top page of Asis Research News. It is also selected and distributed in EurekAlert e-newsletter.
2021.2.26 News
Research result is featured in YAHOO News. It is also featured in Nikkei Business Daily.
2021.2.26 News
Press release:Changing the Silkworm's Diet to Spin Stronger Silk
2021.2.3 News
Press release:Succeeded in creating unidirectional plant nanofiber reinforced silkworm thread-Expected as a reinforcing material for green composite-
2020.11.30 News
A review paper on virus sensor materials was featured in Advanced Science News and won first place in Most read this week. 
2020.11.25 News
Press release:Grabbing Viruses Out of Thin Air
2020.8.31 News
Prof. Kurita won the 7th IRMAIL Science Grant "Verder Scientific Award" in 2020.
2020.6.30 News
Our "Energy Harvesting Materials Research" was published in The Innovation Platform.
2020.4.1 News
Prof. Narita and Assistant Professor Kurita have been moved to Graduate School of Environmental Science.
2020.2.17 News
The book "Let's Learn Fracture Mechanics of Materials" will be published, and the caricature of a former member will appear on the four-frame comics in this book.
2020.1.29 News
Invited Review Paper by Narita and Fox is recognized as a top cited paper in Advanced Engineering Materials (2018-2019).
2018.11.9 News
Our " Energy Harvesting Materials Research" was published in Impact, Science Impact Ltd., U.K.
2018.8.12 News Kurita won the Best presentation awards at 2018 3rd International Conference on Design, Materials and Manufacturing (Okinawa, Japan)
2018.5.22 News
The illustration designed by members of our laboratory became the cover of Advanced Engineering Materials(Vol.20, No. 5).
2017.4.1 News
The book “Let's Learn Mechanics of Materials” has been published.
2016.11.28 News
Research result has been published in Nikkei Newspaper. It is also featured in EE Times Japan.